It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the first Painting Contest hosted by Tirgan. This contest aims to engage the participants in understanding key concepts, and the importance of Nowruz in Iranian/Persian culture. The event will take place during the Nowruz Festival 2019 at the Toronto Center for the Arts.
Eligible participants:
6-18 years old (as of January 31, 2019).
Technique and size:
Participants can paint in any technique such as color pencil, marker, water color, oil, and etc.
The size must be 11×17 inches.
Contest Calendar:
Entry deadline: January 31th, 2019
Results posted: February 15th, 2019 on Tirgan website
Prizes awarded: during the Nowruz Festival 2019 at Toronto Centre for the Arts.
There will be 3 winners in total, one from each age group.
- Group A (6-9 years old), 200$
- Group B (10-13 years old), 200$
- Group C (14-18 years old), 200$
How to submit:
Participant must submit a high-resolution image of the artwork, and email it to ([email protected]).
- The image should be minimum 760×500 pixels in size.
- File name: last name – first name – age
- Subject of email: Nowruz painting contest 2019
1.Banafsheh Erfanian

Banafsheh Erfanian is a Toronto based visual artist. She was born in Tehran, Iran. She graduated from Tehran University of Art with a Bachelor of Graphic Design and an MFA in Illustration. Banafsheh has illustrated 28 books and magazines and written more than 25 articles in art reviews. Her work which has been exhibited in Iran, Italy, US, Canada, Russia, China, Japan and Serbia, has won awards such as the award of excellence of Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition, China, 2016; the first Prize of The Second Festival of Text Books Illustration, Iran, 2006, the encouragement prize of the 15th Noma Concours for Picture Book Illustration, Japan, 2004. Among others, Banafsheh has been short listed in numerous illustration and painting catalogues and has been awarded grants from Toronto Arts Council, Toronto Arts Foundation – RBC, and City of Toronto. She has also been teaching illustration and painting for 15 years. Most recently, she has worked as a mural and installation artist in Toronto and Iran.
2.Maryam Hafizirad

Maryam Hafizirad is an Iranian painter, from Isfahan, Iran who is Deaf. A permanent resident of Canada, Maryam graduated from Isfahan University of Fine Arts in 2002. Maryam’s first exhibition was in Iran at the age of 18. Since then her award-winning works have been shown individually and as part of the artistic group “Farda”, meaning “Tomorrow”, in major cities of Iran, China, Germany, Malaysia and India. Following her heart’s desire and performing from a place of strength as a Deaf artist, Maryam is a full-time visual artist today. Her passion for painting is the greatest engine driving her to succeed in a Hearing World. Let the artist share her world with you. Every artist has their own way of conveying their art. Maryam shares her exceptional vision of a silent universe through the metaphor of an underwater scene. Following the Persian classical painting in her early works, Maryam originally used human characters in her paintings. At that time her work was dark in subject and colour. When she moved to Malaysia and then settled in Canada, her work transformed. In the second generation of her work she realized this line was not projecting the essence of her evolving ideas and growth. She began using bright colours, symbols of God, love, life, water and fish, which became her true secret code in art. For instance, water reflects purity and the fish mirror the sincere human being and living in the silent world of beauty. You can see the fish in most of her themes, in keeping with the artist’s unique method; pomegranates represent hidden love released and birds represent her newfound freedom in this country while maintaining Iranian values and tradition. She says: “I would like to invite you to discover Persian nature, tradition, philosophy and culture through my art as I fuse an array of colors, textiles and techniques in a unique creative form. Rather than to confine my art to traditional works of my heritage on paper, I decided instead to experiment on fabric canvas. Art is a living; unfettered realm where most of my paintings have roots in divine values…” The third generation of her work fuses symbols of freedom, love, and the silent, visually rich life with mixed media for a new installation experience. “The source of my painting is a strange, God-given urge to create, just as life first rose from the sea.”
3.Michelle Dao

“Michelle Dao is a Vietnamese-Canadian freelance illustrator and fine artist based in Brampton, Ontario. She is at Seneca College studying in their Independent Illustration program. Michelle has a passion for children’s literature illustrations and is always working on her own independent projects. She works with a variety of traditional and digital mediums such as watercolors and oil paints. She draws most of her inspiration from nature, social relationships, the female form, and her own Vietnamese heritage. Her work can be seen on:”
Contest Rules:
- Participants must be between 6 and 18 years of age inclusively (as of January 31, 2018) at the time of producing the artwork.
- Artwork size must be 11×17 inches.
- Entry image should be at least 760×500 pixels. Only high resolution photos will be accepted.
- Artwork must follow the theme: Nowruz.
- Only one submission per participant will be accepted.
- Artwork must be new; not exhibited, published, or submitted to other competitions.
- Artwork must be original and created entirely by its artist. Artwork subsequently found not to have been entirely created by the participant will be disqualified.
- Do not add any text or logo on artwork.
- Artwork must not contain explicit sexuality, violence, or any discriminatory elements.
- Participant must keep the original artwork until the Nowruz Festival 2019 (March 10, 2019).
- Entries must be submitted via the official contest platform – emailed to [email protected].
- Note: a shortlist of participants will be selected, and their artwork will be displayed for public during the Nowruz Festival 2019 at the Toronto Center for the Arts.
- Contest winners and shortlisted names may be published on the Tirgan website.
تیرگان با افتخاراولین مسابقه نقاشی با موضوع نوروز را با هدف اشنایی کودکان و نوجوانان با این سنت باستانی و اهمیت ان در فرهنگ و اداب و رسوم ایرانیان برگزارمیکند .
شرایط سنی برای شرکت کنندگان:
این مسابقه در سه بازه سنی6 تا 9 سال، 9 تا 12 سال و12 تا18 سال برگزار میشود.
سایز و تکنیک اثار:
شرکت کنندگان در انتخاب تکنیک ازاد هستند ( مداد رنگی , رنگ روغن , ابرنگ وغیره).
اندازه ی اثر باید 11 در 17 اینچ باشد.
تقویم مسابقه:
اخرین مهلت ارسال 31 ژانویه 2019 میباشد.
نتایج و اسامی برندگان 15 فوریه 2019 در وب سایت رسمی تیرگان اعلام خواهند شد.
جوایز در جشنواره نوروزی تیرگان 2019 اهداخواهد شد.
در هر کدام از بازههای سنی یک برنده انتخاب شده که جایزه ی نقدی 200$ را دریافت خواهند کرد.
نحوه ی ارسال اثار:
شرکت کنندگان باید از اثار خود عکس گرفته و ان را به ایمیل ادرس زیر ایمیل نمایند.
[email protected]
لطفا به نکات زیر در زمان ارسال اثار خود توجه فرمایید:
عکس ارسالی باید با کیفیت و واضح باشد( حداقل500 در760 ) .
نام فایل ارسالی باید ( نام فامیل- اسم –سن ) باشد.
موضوع ایمیل خود را مسابقه نقاشی نوروز 2019 انتخاب کنید.
داوران :
- بنفشه عرفانیان
- مریم حفیظی راد
- میشل داوو
قوانین مسابقه:
سن افراد شرکت کننده باید 6 تا 18 سال باشد.
عکس ارسالی ازاثرباید با کیفیت بالا , واضح و خود اثر در سایز 11 در 17 اینچ باشد.
اثار باید بر اساس موضوع مسابقه( نوروز) باشد.
شرکت کنندگان میتوانند تنها با یک اثر در این مسابقه شرکت نمایند.
اثار ارسالی باید جدید و برای شرکت در این مسابقه خلق شده باشند . لطفا از ارسال اثارگذشته که برای مسابقات دیگر فرستاده شده اند خودداری فرمایید.
اثر هنری باید اوریجینال بوده و کپی یا تقلیدی از اثار دیگران نباشد.
لطفا از نوشتن هرگونه نام , متن یا نوشته بر روی نقاشی پرهیز نمایید.
ازنمایش هر گونه خشونت وتبعیض نژادی , جنسیتی و اعتقادی خودداری فرمایید.
لطفا از اثار خود تا پایان جشنواره ی نوروز( 10مارچ 2019) نگهداری کنید.
تنها راه ارسال نقاشی ها از طریق ایمیل تصویر اثر به ایمیل ادرس معرفی شده میباشد.
: ایمیل ادرس [email protected]
تعدادی از اثار برگزیده در طول جشنواره نوروز2019 در تورونتو سنتر فورد ارت برای عموم به نمایش گذاشته خواهند شد.
اسامی برندگان و اثار برگزیده در وب سایت رسمی تیرگان اعلام خواهد شد.