Maneli Jamal (Acoustic Guitar)
Sunday, 30 Jul 2017 - 02:00 PM

The Distillery District

Acoustic guitarist Maneli Jamal is better known for his solo work having toured all over the world with his percussive way of playing. However, in this special event at Tirgan Festival takes you on a musical journey with his new world music trio including Saxophone (Selcuk Suna,Turkey) and Percussion (Juan Carlos Medrano, Cuba). They explore the fusion of sounds inspired by his travels around the world. This will be a dynamic and musically rich show not to be missed!

“Having released his first albums on CandyRat Records, Jamal struck out on his own in 2012 with The Lamaj Movement, a collection that showcases his Iranian heritage as well as the astonishing tone and dexterity that sets him apart from other finger stylists.”
-Acoustic Guitar Magazine

“Each song is a story, the technical wizardry kept to what’s necessary for that tune. He chooses to unfold his mastery of the instrument over the course of a set rather than pack a thousand notes into one or two tunes and reuse tricks all night.”
-Orillia Packet, John Swartz