Kamran Jebreili
Visual Arts

Kamran Jebreili is a self-trained photographer with a M.A. in architecture from Fine Arts Faculty of Tehran University. He has joined AP in 1997 in Dubai bureau as a regional photographer/photo editor till now. He has worked as a photographer with Agence VU in Paris From 1990-97 and has covered the social and political events in Iran, working with Asahi Shimbon Japanese paper in Tehran during same period. His published works include Life War book about Iran-Iraq war and Abyaneh an Iranian traditional village. His unpublished works are Silkroad in Iran and Dezful. He taught documentary photography at the Italian School and Azad University in Tehran in 1995-96. His photos are published in different magazines and papers such as the Time magazine, Newsweek, Paris Match, Geo, New York Times, Focus, Liberation, Le Monde, etc.