Kaveh Farrokh
Literature / History

Kaveh Farrokh, the author of three history books, has been recognized as an expert in the ancient history of Persia. His books have been translated into Russian and Persian. Kaveh is affiliated with a number of world-renowned organizations, including UN-affiliated and Nobel-prize nominated WAALM Institute in London -where he is the Chair of the Cultural Diplomacy’s Department of Traditions & Cultural History-, Stanford University’s WAIS (World Association of International Studies) Society, Member of the Academic Board for the Institute of Historical Iranian Studies, the Hellenic-Iranian Studies Society, and the UNESCO-affiliated Pasargard Preservation Society. His articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals and publications such as: “Classic Arms and Militaria”, “Persian Heritage”, “the International Book of Dyslexia: A Cross Language Comparison”, as well as “Practice Guide and the Mithras Reader: An Academic and Religious Journal of Greek, Roman and Persian Studies”.
Kaveh has been noted for a number of citations including the Best History Book Award in London (2008), recognition by the Independent Book Publisher’s Association in the United States (2008), the Kayhan newspaper in London (the Iranian equivalent of the New York Times), the Scholarship and Merit Award (2009) and the peer-reviewed Iranshenasi Academic Journal (2010). Kaveh has been interviewed by the BBC, the History Channel, the Voice of America Network and the Leonard Lopate Show in New York City.