Delara Tiv

Delara was born in Tehran, Iran. From the age of 6, Delara started studying music, choosing the flute as her instrument. Her passion for dance also started at a young age. After seeing Flamenco for the first time on a video smuggled into Iran she knew she wanted to learn this art form. However the only thing similar to dance that was available in Iran was Martial Arts, which she took up until the age of 20.
Delara and her family moved to Canada when she was 12. It was here at the age of 18 that she started studying Flamenco at the Al Mozaico school of Flamenco. Finally she was able to bring together her love for music and dancing together. At the age of 20 she decided to move to Spain to further her studies in Flamenco. She enrolled in La Tani and Flora Albaicin’s dance schools in Barcelona for a year. She then moved to Seville where she graduated from the Advanced Dance Program at the Cristina Heeren Fundación de Arte Flamenco in 2008.
That same year Delara returned to Vancouver to finish her post secondary education at UBC, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Human Geography and Spanish Literature. Subsequently, she began a Master's program at McGill University. However after realizing that her passion for flamenco could not be ignored nor put on hold, she did not hesitate to withdraw from university, and decided to devote her life to her dream of dancing flamenco.
She has been studying intensively at the world famous Flamenco school Amor de Dios for the past four years. Learning with greats such as, Merche Esmeralda, Pedro de Cordoba, Carmela Greco, Domingo Ortega and Inmaculada Ortega. Simultaneously, she has been an active dancer in Madrid, performing in tablaos (where flamenco is performed).
In 2011 Delara presented her first production Alborozo in El Teatro de Moncloa and Casa Museo de Aravaca In Madrid, dancing alongside her teacher Inmaculada Ortega as a guest artist. In March 2012, Delara presented her second project Azalea in El Teatro de Moncloa in Madrid.
Delara became a part of the Domingo Ortega Flamenco Company which presented the piece “ Y Enamorarse” throughout Canada in April 2012. In the summer of 2012 Delara was invited by the Flamenco Express Company to Dance at the London Theatre. During the same summer Delara colaborated with Jose Merino to present a show at the famous Ronnie Scotts in London. Delara has also been invited to teach workshops at Flamenco Evi in Istambul and Falmenco Dernegi in Ankara.