Kurdish Dance

This performance covers 7 famous styles of Kurdish dance that have been modified, rearranged and choreographed for stage performance.
1. Geryan: This is the most famous dance style in Sanandaj region and is performed in almost any happy event. The associated melody is also quite popular and nearly most of the Kurdish singers have recorded at least one song based on this melody. Mayn Zard performs 8 varieties of this style in the festival.
2. Shayaneh: Very similar to Geryan in terms of choreography but it is much more rhythmic and includes quicker moves. It is performed in almost all areas and hence played in many variations mostly called by the name of the region. For example Meryvani, Kermashani, Se-pa,…etc. 4 varieties are presented here.
3. Chepi: Most performed dance style everywhere. The choreography is simple, however, the high level of body moves involved leads to many varieties, 3 of which are presented.
4. Shekaki: Specific to northern and western parts of Kurdistan and performed widely in Iraqi and Turkish in many variety of styles.
5. Pa-ban-Pa: An almost rearranged and newly choreographed style.
6. Zangi (Zandi): An old beautiful style of southern Kurdistan that used to be performed in old days and mostly by skilled dancers. Mayn Zard has re-choreographed this style and presents 2 varieties.
7. Haw-Shari: The original choreography of this style is the famous "Dagheh" style in Mehabad region (and also Soleymanieh in Iraq) which has been rearranged and adjusted to a higher melody and rhythm.

Mayn Zard Dance Group was formed in 2010 by Mostafa Nosraty, following his former group -The...