Babak Taghikhani and Solmaz Peymaei

Solmaz and Babak’s music is mainly focused on the interaction with and fusion of Iranian(mostly traditional and folk) and non-Iranian materials to form a brand new rendition of what they call a lifetime search for sounds in their instruments.
The result is a deep oriental sound that would satisfythe cravings of noble and trained ears, which enjoy the layers of complexity, rather than the familiar perpetuating monophonic tunes that for years have been held sacred.
Moreover they aim to fabricate non-Iranian music which is played or spiced with purely Iranian instruments, textures and vocal variations that is best performed by a heart and soul born in and belonging to Iran, and formed with Iranian modes and magham.
Persian-language songs will be an emulsion of harmonies, in particular for non-Iranian audience. English songs performed are transfiguredand enriched by the Iranian vocalist with her own unique touch and accents, reflecting eastern ideas.
They perform Folk/tribal tunes, a new and transcended impression in relation to lyrics, accompanied with musical sounds

Solmaz Peymaei was born in 1980 in Tehran and started singing from an early age and took cello...

Babak Taghikhani was born in 1975 in Tehran and started piano lessons at the age of 14 with...